Outreach and Volunteer Activities

Outreach and Volunteer opportunities:

Volunteering is the most important part of any organization. We do not pay people, but we have a mission and need people to fulfill that mission. Here are some ways you can help and at the same time have fun.

Outreach: During the year there are several opportunities to connect with the public and promote FNPS and our chapter. Out-reach usually consists of a tent, table, and literature and 2-3 volunteers. If you are interested in being chair for one event or several, we need you.

Volunteer Administrator: It is important for FNPS to gather information about our volunteer efforts. The person who chairs this task uses their computer to fill out the volunteer information received from our members and officers.

Photo Chairperson: Many of us take great pictures at events, field trips and in our own gardens. A central person to gather these photos and then send appropriate ones to update our website and facebook and archive for our chapter.

Education Chairperson: What about that younger generation? Anyone with ideas and energy to help us educate the young? This is a great opportunity to lead a committee.



The Nature Coast Chapter has a number of ongoing projects. Help out or stop by and visit.




Werner Boyce Salt Springs State Park is a pet project of our chapter. Visit and look for our education kiosk along the trail.




Starkey Park- This a partnership project with Starkey Park and the West Pasco Audubon Chapter. The Nature Coast Chapter volunteers help clean up unwanted and invasive vines so an education nature trail will be the focal point at the entrance kiosk.


Rick, at Starkey Park, has been a busy guy while the Park was closed to the public. Rick has cleared out a lot more and it's got some open space for plants. It's fairly shady and he wants to put some wildflowers by the path. Plant donations are welcome. For questions or if you have a plant you would like to donate, please contact the chapter at naturecoastfnps@gmail.com




Demonstration Garden at Heritage Park Community Center- This is a project in front of the meeting center. Our chapter has planted and maintains interesting native plants for everyone to enjoy. Stop by to see some native plants and maybe get ideas for your own garden.


Outreach Volunteer Opportunities:


Florida State Fair  As a memeber you can volunteer, get free tickets for your family and visit the fair as well as volunteering at the booth for a few hours. As a visitor, please stop by the booth  and see how our Chapter and Native plants help the environment. 


Upcycle Festival: held in November in Land O Lakes, is a recycle craft fair sponsored by Keep Pasco Beautiful. Visit our booth, buy plants and books and collect information about Native Plants


Plant Sales:

Nature Coast Chapter has two major plant sales yearly, October and March. This is the big opportunity to acquire the plants you need to create a backyard habitat. Backyard Habitat. October, 2023 is the next plant sale.

The mission of the Florida Native Plant Society is to promote the preservation, conservation, and restoration of the native plants and native plant communities of Florida.